Skylarks undergoing an experimentally triggered inflammatory response exhibited raises in metabolic rate, body mass loss, body temperature and ketone concentration, and these changes demonstrate energetic costs of an APR. throughout the annual cycle changes in their energy finances by measuring basal metabolic rate (BMR) and body mass. We quantified APRs by measuring the effects of a lipopolysaccharide injection on metabolic rate, body mass, body temperature, and concentrations of glucose and ketone. Body mass and BMR were least expensive during breeding, highest during winter season and intermediate during spring migration, moult and autumn migration. Despite this variance in energy finances, the magnitude of the APR, as measured by all variables, was similar in all annual cycle stages. Thus, while we find evidence that some annual Cinoxacin cycle phases are relatively more energetically constrained, we find no support for the hypothesis that during these annual cycle stages birds compromise an immune defence that is itself energetically expensive. We suggest that the ability to mount an APR may be so essential to survival in every annual cycle stage that skylarks do not trade off this expensive form of defence with additional annual cycle demands. Intro Seasonal variance in immune function has been found in a variety of vertebrate taxa and has been attributed to seasonally changing annual cycle demands, source availability and exposure to pathogens and parasites [1], [2]. Because production, maintenance and use of the immune system require energy [3], [4], a central hypothesis claims that immune defences, particularly those parts that have high costs, are traded off against additional competing physiological and behavioural processes [5]C[7]. Such trade-offs putatively clarify findings of reduced immune responses in relation to reproduction [3], [8], [9], during migration [10], [11] or during winter season [12]. Furthermore the outcome of such trade-offs is definitely affected by the evolutionary pressures exerted by pathogens and parasites [13], which may also switch throughout the year. In addition to trade-offs between the immune system and additional physiological systems, trade-offs within the immune system may also happen. For example, organisms may shift from more to less costly defences during instances of high energy demand or low source availability [2], [14]. More specifically, Cinoxacin Lee [15] hypothesizes a switch from expensive inflammatory reactions to highly specific but less costly antibody reactions. The acute phase response (APR), an innate response that is initiated moments after detecting an inflammatory agent, is an early defence against risks that have already breached physical barriers like the pores and skin. APRs involve an array of physiological and behavioural changes, including fever and anorexia [16], and these reactions incur costs from metabolic upregulation and cells degradation [5], [17], [18]. In parrots, potential proximate mechanisms underlying seasonal changes in APRs are hypothesized to include hormonal suppression and seasonal variations in energy stores [16], [19]. Thus far, studies of seasonal modulations in APRs consider only two annual cycle stages [19] and have been carried out on either captive parrots or wild parrots that have been in captivity for at least several weeks [20], [21]. While offering some insight, the conclusions of these studies are limited by the lack of a complete year-round perspective on immune function and by Cinoxacin lack of simultaneous measurements of the energy budget. To identify which annual cycle phases are energetically demanding, ecologists quantify indices of energy rate of metabolism [22], [23]. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the most standardized measure [24], and BMR relates to MGC126218 many other ecologically-important variables including activity level [25], [26], food availability and diet [27], [28], organ sizes and body composition [29]C[31], and daily energy costs [29], [32], [33]. These human relationships make BMR an interesting trait for ecological studies of seasonal variance. Metabolism represents only part of the enthusiastic balance, and enthusiastic difficulties can also result from limitations on source availability. Therefore, data on body mass and biochemical markers can provide critical information about whether birds obtain nutrients from available food or from body reserves. Two such biochemical markers are glucose and ketone. Glucose is one of the main sources for energy production in parrots [34] and the primary carbohydrate absorbed from the avian intestine [35]. Ketone concentrations reflect lipid catabolism during fasting [36]C[38]. Most temperate zone parrots encounter considerable changes in their ecology over the course of a yr. Energy and time finances change in association with seasonal activities like migration and reproduction and with variable environmental conditions like temp and precipitation. The skylark, em Alauda arvensis /em , is definitely a typical temperate Cinoxacin zone passerine and a partially Cinoxacin migratory varieties, with migration dependent on breeding location [39], [40]. During an annual cycle, skylarks go through five unique annual cycle stages:.